Monitors, mice, and keyboards on a workstation.

Mission Statement: The FreeTech Project promotes social inclusion and cohesion by engaging marginalised, vulnerable, and digitally excluded communities, using primarily free and open source software, for the delivery of in-person and virtual teaching using personalised and informal learning methods.

Our Vision: A world where free and open source technology connects and brings people together to promote social inclusion, fairness, community cohesion and solidarity, essentially ensuring democratic ownership of data and technology and an end to digital divides and related social isolation.

Our Values:

  • Democracy: Both in terms of our own organisation but also of data and technology in general so that technology is by and for the people. This specifically refers to the promotion and use of free and open source technology and peer-to-peer collaborative production, non-commodification of data, respecting privacy and ensuring people have control over their data.
  • Fairness: Through the use and promotion of free and open source technology and peer-to-peer collaborative production, which is ethical, free and created by a community rather than a for-profit company, linking to our focus on democratic and non-market provision of resources and services, breaking down digital divides.
  • Community: Through encouraging socially, environmentally and financially sustainable community engagement where activities are focussed on ensuring long-term skill sharing and solidarity, where technology is a means to an end in terms of bringing people together so they are better connected in person and virtually.
  • Inclusion: Focussing on tackling digital divides by working with people within marginalised, vulnerable and digitally excluded communities, breaking down barriers to accessing and participating in services that are increasingly reliant upon digital skills and knowledge whilst also using technology as a means of bringing people together in person and virtually.

FreeTech Project is the trading name of Libre Digital, a not-for-profit limited company, no.07210149.